Abundance at the Floret Workshop
Flowers loaded up in the little white truck
The June workshop was all about the queen of early summer - the Peony. Grown locally by an amazing woman named Geraldine, their lush beauty was combined with bucket after bucket of flowers from Floret's fields. The abundance, beauty and sheer quantity of flowers was a tangible reminder of the generosity that was such a part of the whole weekend.
Coral Charms awaiting their debut at the final dinner.
There are a lot of workshops out there these days. I don’t doubt that they are all beautiful in their own way; they deal in flowers after all. The amazing thing about Erin’s workshops is that they combine such abundant and heart-stopping beauty with practical, useful, and inspiring, content. There is great substance behind all that floral beauty. Floret’s team is welcoming and warm. Their encouragement and support is all around during the workshops and follows after. Attendees turn into dear friends in a matter of hours (or less) and become a network of fellow flower lovers whose voices stay with you long after you depart the Skagit Valley. It is hard to put into words the magic that happens in that flower filled barn with Erin and her team.
photo by Heather Payne
As I wandered the barn taking in all the blooms I found myself drawn to the Sweet Peas every time. We cut them out of the the field, but also from a greenhouse where they towered over our heads.
Designing my urn arrangement and low compote with all that abundance was a joy - tendrils, fruit, foliage and of course those gorgeous peonies!
The final dinner together was a labor of love and its beauty and magic will long be remembered.
My compote on the loveliest table for our final dinner
photo by Heather Payne
Looking through the workshop photos and following the flower journey's of fellow attendees via Instagram keep the moody days of winter filled with light.